West Covina Employment Lawyers

The Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. stands ready to fight for the rights of workers in West Covina dealing with discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination, or other illegal conduct in the workplace. The firm also stands ready to provide small businesses in West Covina economical and efficient solutions to problems involving employment law.  Our substantial experience in approaching employment disputes from both sides gives us rare insight into the mindset of the opponent, which truly goes a long way to achieving the best possible outcome.

About West Covina, California

West Covina is a city located in the San Gabriel Valley and is home to more than 100,000 residents.  It covers approximately sixteen square miles and encompasses the following zip codes: 91790, 91791, and 91792.

Unlike its neighbors, West Covina is not a product of the historic “Boom of the Eighties” (1880s). It can, however, trace its beginnings back to Mission days when the San Gabriel Mission was originally founded in 1771 in the present City of El Monte and laid claim to the entire San Gabriel Valley. At the end of the Mission period (1845) most of what is now the City of West Covina was sold by Governor Pico to John Rowland and William Workman. Known as the Rancho La Puente, it was divided in 1868 with Workman taking the northern half and Rowland keeping the southern portion. Workman then lost his land to E. J. “Lucky” Baldwin in 1876 when he was forced into bankruptcy. After the turn of the century Baldwin began to sell portions of the land as “subdivisions” and the first permanent settlers arrived. At approximately the same time, to the north and east of Baldwin’s holdings, Joseph S. Phillips founded the town of Covina on land he had acquired from John E. Hollenbeck. Originally part of the Daltons’ Rancho Azusa, much of the land later fell into the boundaries of West Covina.

The heart of West Covina was on the very western side of the present city site and was devoted to the development of the Walnut industry as opposed to the Citrus industry of its northeastern neighbors. This seems to have been a natural occurrence as the underground water was more plentiful than in the eastern portion of the city.

While waiting for the Walnut trees to mature, beans, potatoes and other crops were planted between the rows. The growers also planted Palms and other trees along the streets in an effort to beautify the growing community.

The city was incorporated on February 3, 1923 in a move to protect the residents of the area from the City of Covina. Because Covina had grown enough to discover that it had a waste disposal problem, it purchased land between California and Glendora Avenues and south of the Walnut Creek Wash to be used as a “sewer farm”. Since the growers in the area did not want the ground water contaminated and getting no assistance from either the county or state governments in preventing Covina from proceeding, they formed a city and enacted their own zoning and use laws.

After the war the American servicemen returned home, married and began to seek a place to work and raise a family. By the early 1950’s the country, as a whole, was on the move and West Covina was a part of that burst of growth. During 1955 it was the fastest growing city in the United States. in 1950 its population was 4,499 and 10 years later it was more than 10 times that, 50,645. It grew so rapidly that services were unable to keep pace. Telephone service, for example, for individual homes was not available until 1 to 1 1/2 years after the completion of a housing tract.

West Covina was attractive to those young families pouring into Southern California from across the United States because it was close enough to industry and business yet it was still far enough away to retain the feeling of country.

The Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. is headquartered in Los Angeles which is minutes away from West Covina.  Thus, our lawyers stand ready to serve employees and employers in West Covina with all their employment law needs.

The Best West Covina Employment Law Firm

Finding the right labor lawyer in West Covina can be a challenging task. The legal landscape is teeming with various law firms, each adopting a distinct approach to handling employment cases. It’s important to understand that not every employment attorney in West Covina is well-suited for every type of case. Some lawyers may prefer quick and straightforward low-value settlements, opting for an easy resolution rather than engaging in a protracted legal battle that could ultimately lead to a just and full-value outcome.

When you conduct an internet search for “West Covina employment lawyer” or “wrongful termination attorney in West Covina,” the results often feature numerous paid advertisements from an array of lawyers, all competing for your attention. Amidst this sea of options, it can be challenging to discern which attorney possesses the requisite skills and experience to effectively handle your specific employment law case. Relying solely on these advertisements can make it difficult to identify a lawyer who excels in this field.

This is where the Akopyan Law Firm, A.P.C., stands apart. Our dedicated team of labor lawyers in West Covina is driven by a steadfast commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, regardless of the complexity or scope of the legal battle. Our approach is anchored in the principle of delivering top-quality legal services in every case we handle. We understand that every client, whether an employee seeking justice for workplace violations or an employer navigating employment disputes, deserves the highest level of personal attention, dedication, and expertise.

At the Akopyan Law Firm, we take immense pride in the first-class personal service we provide to our clients. However, we recognize that trust is built through actions, not words alone. Rather than relying solely on our assurances, we invite you to explore the feedback and testimonials from our satisfied clients. These testimonials not only underscore our unwavering commitment to excellence but also highlight our consistent track record of achieving exceptional results for our clients.

Our relationships with our clients often extend well beyond the resolution of their cases. We genuinely care about your well-being and understand that the impact of legal matters can transcend the life of the case itself. Our West Covina employment lawyers approach every case with unmatched passion and dedication, a commitment validated by the excellent results we consistently attain.

If you are in search of employment lawyers in West Covina, we encourage you to reach out to us today for a complimentary case evaluation. This initial consultation provides us with the opportunity to get to know you, understand your unique circumstances, and offer legal guidance that reflects our unwavering commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for your employment law case.

We Can Help West Covina Residents With:

Featured Employment Case

Comeaux v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co., 915 F.2d 1264 (9th Cir. 1990)

A prospective employee sued the potential employer for breach of employment contract. The United States District Court for the Northern District of California, John P. Vukasin, Jr., J., granted summary judgment for the employer, and aan ppeal was taken. The Court of Appeals, Sneed, Circuit Judge, held that: (1) the employer did not discriminate against employee under the Bankruptcy Code; (2) the employer was liable to employee for reliance damages; and (3) employer could be held liable for violation of Federal Credit Reporting Act. The Court explained that under California law, prospective employee did not convert at-will employment agreement into agreement providing for termination-only-for-cause by resigning from his prior job and relocating, absent showing that he had explicitly bargained with employer to do so in exchange for promise of termination-only-for-cause contract. It went on to say that the employee could not use covenant of good faith and fair dealing to transform terminable-at-will employment contract into terminable-only-for-cause employment contract, by construing discharge without cause as breach of covenant. Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing remains available as cause of action, even in face of at-will employment contract, where employee alleges that conduct other than his discharge violated covenant. Under California law, only contract and not tort remedies are available for breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

 Avvo Rating 10 Superb


Millions of Dollars Recovered For Our Clients

Check Out Our Case Results

$6.131 MillionEmployment: Disability Discrimination
$3.85 MillionEmployment: Wrongful Termination
$950 ThousandEmployment: Retaliation
$800 ThousandEmployment: Sexual Harassment
$750 ThousandEmployment: Sexual Harassment
$700 ThousandEmployment: Wrongful Termination / Race Discrimination
$658 ThousandEmployment: Sexual Harassment
$650 ThousandPersonal Injury: Automobile Collision
$400 ThousandEmployment: Constructive Termination
$375 ThousandEmployment: Sexual Harassment
$325 ThousandEmployment: Sexual Harassment
$300 ThousandEmployment: Wrongful Termination / Race Discrimination
$295 ThousandEmployment: Wage and Hour
$265 ThousandEmployment: Sexual Harassment
$250 ThousandEmployment: Pregnancy Discrimination
$250 ThousandEmployment Law: Disability Discrimination
$240 ThousandEmployment: Disability Discrimination
$240 ThousandEmployment: Sexual Harassment
$210 ThousandEmployment: Family Leave Retaliation
$200 ThousandEmployment: Wrongful Termination
$199 ThousandEmployment: Pregnancy Discrimination
$195 ThousandEmployment: Religious Discrimination
$193 ThousandEmployment: Failure to Accommodate
$180 ThousandEmployment: Unpaid Wages
$175 ThousandEmployment: Pregnancy Discrimination
$175 ThousandEmployment: Whistleblower Retaliation
$175 ThousandEmployment: Medical Leave Retaliation
$174 ThousandEmployment: Wage and Hour
$167 ThousandEmployment: Wage and Hour
$160 ThousandEmployment: Unpaid Wages
$158 ThousandBreach of Contract
$150 ThousandEmployment: Reverse Race Discrimination
$130 ThousandEmployment: Race Discrimination
$125 ThousandEmployment: Wrongful Termination
$125 ThousandEmployment: Sexual Harassment
$125 ThousandEmployment: Disability Discrimination
$125 ThousandEmployment: Medical Leave Retaliation
$120 ThousandEmployment: Unpaid Commission Wages
$120 ThousandEmployment: Retaliation
$120 ThousandPersonal Injury: Automobile Collision
$107 ThousandEmployment: Whistleblower Retaliation
$100 ThousandEmployment: Religious Discrimination
$100 ThousandEmployment: Failure to Accommodate
$100 ThousandEmployment: Wrongful Termination
$100 ThousandPersonal Injury: Bicycle Collision
$100 ThousandPersonal Injury: Pedestrian Collision