Pomona Employment Attorneys
The trial attorneys of the Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. stand ready to fight for both employers and employees in Pomona, California.
Pomona, California
Pomona is a city in the east San Gabriel Valley and is home to more than 150,000 residents. It covers approximately twenty three square miles, and encompasses the following zip codes: 91750, 91765, 91766, 91767, 91769, 91789. Named in honor of the Roman goddess of fruit, the City of Pomona has a history as rich as its fertile soil. The Pomona area was situated along a trade route used by Native Americans. The first recorded inhabitants were the Gabrieleno Native Americans. The valley became known in the 1700’s as Rancho San Jose. A year later it became part of the Mission San Gabriel Grazing lands. Over fifty years later, two soldiers, Don Ingacio Palomares and Don Ricardo Vejar petitioned the governor and on April, 1837 were granted rights to the land.
In the early 1800s, Pomona was known as an “urban garden”. Pomona quickly became an economic leader in citrus. In the 1870s, the coming of the railroad spurred agriculture. Pomona’s role in the expanding industry influenced the citrus community to name “Pomona” after the Roman goddess of fruit and fruit trees. The name proved prophetic and vineyards flourished in the 1880’s, supplying the winemaking and raisin industries. Citrus orchards and olive groves replaced vineyards in the 1890’s and, through its agricultural enterprises Pomona maintained an economic lead in the valley.
On January 6,1888, Pomona was incorporated as a City and became a charter City in 1911. Today, Pomona is the seventh largest city in Los Angeles County, with a population of over 151,000 residents. Pomona boasts a progressive economy, business opportunity, and a strong workforce with attractive shopping, recreational, and real estate offering. The Pomona Valley had been a fruitful valley in the past and is now fruitful from the strength and efforts of its people. With a vision to promote harmonious diversity and economic prosperity, Pomona is vibrant community with progressive citizens leading, testing the limits of progress, and striving to provide a high quality of life for all of Pomona.
The Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. is headquartered in Los Angeles, and also has offices in San Bernardino, Orange and Riverside. Our firm is just minutes away from Pomona, and our employment lawyers stand ready to serve employees and employers in Pomona with all their employment law needs.
The Best Employment Lawyers For Pomona Are Minutes Away
Pomona, California, with its central location, offers its residents a multitude of choices when it comes to legal representation. The city is home to numerous lawyers and law firms eager to provide their services, making it crucial for individuals facing employment-related legal challenges to select the right attorney. However, this decision can be complicated, as many lawyers aggressively advertise their services through various channels, including radio ads, billboards, and online marketing.
When Pomona residents encounter significant legal issues related to employment law, they often struggle to determine which lawyer is the ideal fit for their needs. Online searches for “Pomona employment lawyer” or “wrongful termination attorney in Pomona” frequently yield numerous paid advertisements, making it challenging to discern which attorney possesses the expertise and experience necessary to handle employment law disputes effectively.
The employment lawyers at the Akopyan Law Firm, A.P.C., bring nearly four decades of experience to the table. Our attorneys have established a track record of success, serving the interests of both employers and employees. Our firm’s approach prioritizes quality over quantity, emphasizing a commitment to providing personalized and exceptional legal services.
Unlike firms that rely on catchy radio ads and billboard campaigns, we take pride in spending our time in the courtroom, zealously fighting for our clients’ rights. We invite you to verify our reputation by speaking with our satisfied clients and reviewing their testimonials. Our clients’ testimonials and the outstanding results we’ve achieved for them attest to our dedication and competence as Pomona employment lawyers.
If you’re seeking employment lawyers in Pomona, we encourage you to contact us today for a complimentary case evaluation. With our offices located just minutes away from Pomona, we are fully prepared to offer top-notch legal representation to Pomona residents, ensuring that their legal needs are met with the highest level of expertise and care.
Our Practice Includes:
Featured Employment Case
Steele v. Youthful Offender Parole Bd., 162 Cal. App. 4th 1241, 76 Cal. Rptr. 3d 632 (2008)
An employee sued the Youthful Offender Parole Board (YOPB) for retaliation under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and won. On appeal the Court of Appeal affirmed, holding that: (1) employee engaged in a protected activity under FEHA by being a potential witness to another FEHA claim; (2) employee was subjected to constructive discharge; and (3) employee’s constructive discharge was a result of her being a potential witness. The opinion provides as follows: Jury’s finding that state agency employee was subjected to constructive discharge, in finding that agency retaliated against employee for being potential witness in Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) action, was supported by substantial evidence, including harsh memo from supervisor about employee’s job performance, warning to employee that due to future budget cuts she should look for another job, transfer of coworker who made sexual harassment complaint, announcement that employee would be suspended in 30 days for throwing away mail even though disciplinary steps preceding suspension had not been taken, alleged warning to employee that she should find another job and leave before investigation of coworker’s FEHA complaint, and alleged request from supervisor that employee falsely deny that agency chairman kissed her. Constructive discharge, like actual discharge, is a materially adverse employment action under Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). “Constructive discharge,” which is legally regarded as a firing rather than a resignation for purposes of determining whether an adverse employment action has taken place under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), occurs when an employer’s conduct effectively forces an employee to resign. In order to establish a constructive discharge under Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), an employee must plead and prove, by the usual preponderance of the evidence standard, that the employer either intentionally created or knowingly permitted working conditions that were so intolerable or aggravated at the time of the employee’s resignation that a reasonable employer would realize that a reasonable person in the employee’s position would be compelled to resign.For an employee’s working conditions to be “intolerable or aggravated,” as required to constitute a constructive discharge under Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), they must be sufficiently extraordinary and egregious to overcome the normal motivation of a competent, diligent, and reasonable employee to remain on the job to earn a livelihood and to serve his or her employer.
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