Women who feel they have experienced pregnancy discrimination in the workplace can turn to Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. for a complementary case evaluation. As pregnancy discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles, we have the experience needed to determine if a case is viable. Our clients enjoy contingency fee-based services. Without worrying about retainers or costly hourly fees, all our clients can fight for the compensation they deserve.
How Does One Prove Pregnancy Discrimination?
Employees can speak with one of the employment lawyers at the Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. when pregnancy discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles are needed. Successfully prosecuting a discrimination case can be extraordinarily difficult for those employees who choose to go at it alone without the help of legal counsel or the benefit of legal representation. An in-depth understanding of the applicable law is a critical component of a successful prosecution. Equally important is the need for an attorney who is caring and compassionate. In our law firm, we are happy to consult with employees who need to speak with a pregnancy discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles to figure out how to best move forward.
Do Pregnant Women in Los Angeles Have Employee Rights?
California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibits pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. However, discrimination may not be easy to prove. For example, are cut hours a result of the pregnancy or is business truly slow? Experienced pregnancy discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles spot issues which may not be readily visible to the untrained eye and help determine if any laws were broken and if so, possible remedies.
California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act is applicable to employers with five or more employees. Should a client work with a company where the Act does not apply, there could be a possible claim of wrongful termination in violation of public policy. This is something our experienced team at Akopyan Law Firm, A.P.C. can discuss during a complimentary case evaluation.
A Track Record of Success
Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. is pleased to earn glowing testimonials from clients, and to recover millions in compensation to employees that suffered from discrimination or wrongful termination.
It is very difficult, and emotionally and financially draining, to attempt to prove pregnancy discrimination alone without help from trained professionals. Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. has the experience and the in-depth knowledge needed to determine if a case is viable, if rights were violated, and to prosecute a case if need be.
When help is needed, we are the pregnancy discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles who may clients have to come to for help. Contact us today for a complimentary case evaluation, and to ensure your rights are protected.