Despite what romantic comedies may depict, workplace romances do not always lead to the involved employees living happily ever after. In fact, in all likelihood a workplace romance will likely create unnecessary friction and other problems in the workplace, and can even lead to potential legal action, leading one of the involved employees, or both getting help from a sexual harassment in the workplace lawyer.

What Can Go Wrong?

Any workplace romance has the potential to evolve into a problem, but romantic relationships between two individuals where one is senior to the other, or has supervisory authority over the other (e.g. company owner dating entry level employee, or manager dating a direct report) can be extremely problematic. Employees who occupy a position of power in the workplace, and have the ability to affect the terms and conditions of employment of other employees should be particularly wary of getting involved in a romantic relationship. A subordinate employee may feel compelled to reciprocate or become involved at the risk of losing their job. Overstating the obvious this could lead to problems. Alternatively, if such a relationship does commence but thereafter ends for whatever reason, the antipathy between the couple could create a hostile work environment.

How Can One Know If a Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Lawyer is Needed

Sexual harassment takes many forms, and can include unwelcomed advances, improper touching, and everything in between. There are state and federal laws which prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace and case law provides plenty of examples of what does and does not meet the standard. Instead of trying to do research and figuring out whether or not a particular occurrence, or series of occurrences which have taken place in the workplace, are tantamount to sexual harassment, the quicker and safer way to find answers to questions is to contact an experienced lawyer who routinely deals with such cases. If an employee feels like it could be sexual harassment it would be ideal for him or her to contact an experienced counselor and advisor for help.

Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. is a Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Lawyer

Akopyan Law Firm A.P.C. is here for those in Los Angeles and its surroundings, who are searching for sexual harassment in the workplace lawyer. From our office in Los Angeles, we serve clients throughout Southern California, including Glendale, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino. We start with a complimentary case evaluation and from there, advise clients on the next steps. Our firm works on a contingency fee basis, meaning victims of sexual harassment don’t have to worry about hourly fees or costly retainers. Instead, we are paid a percentage of what we recover.

Our glowing testimonials speak to our work ethic and our case results speak to our ongoing success on behalf of our clients. Contact us when looking for sexual harassment in the workplace lawyer.