When people get fired from their jobs, they oftentimes go through a rollercoaster of emotions. Surprise, stress, worry are all things that terminated employees often experience. Often these feelings are followed by contemplation of the reason for the termination. Was I fired for the wrong reasons? Was I fired for illegal reasons? What is the real reason I was fired? These and other questions abound. If you find yourself questing your employer’s true motivation for firing you, you should consider speaking with an unlawful termination attorney (https://www.akopyanlaw.com/practice-areas/employment-law/wrongful-termination/). In this blog, we will look at a few ways to find an unlawful termination attorney that may be able to help.
Find an Unlawful Termination Attorney Licensed in Your Jurisdiction
In the age of modern technology, it is easy to find lawyers from all across the nation. However, finding a local unlawful termination attorney is usually a good way to go. For one thing, a local unlawful termination attorney will likely be licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction, whereas an unlawful termination attorney from another state may not be.
Find an Unlawful Termination Attorney Who Knows the Applicable Law
Another reason to find an unlawful termination attorney in your area is familiarity with the nuances of your local laws. Every jurisdiction has its own set of laws. While these laws can be similar to one another and at time even be identical, there are times when they are not. A local unlawful termination attorney will likely be well versed in the employment laws in your jurisdiction.
Find an Unlawful Termination Attorney Who Regularly Practices in Your Area
Knowing the law is one thing. Knowing your audience is another. An unlawful termination attorney whose practice is in your locality, will likely better equipped to evaluate the jury pool in your area. A local unlawful termination attorney will also be more likely to have experience with the local judges in your area. These things can go a long way in helping you achieve justice.
We Are Unlawful Termination Attorneys in Los Angeles County
Are you looking for an unlawful termination attorney in Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Glendale, or Los Angeles? Akopyan Law specializes in representing employees that have been fired due to discrimination, emotional distress, retaliation, whistleblowing, and more. If you have been terminated from your job for reasons you believe are unlawful do not hesitate to contact the Akopyan Law Firm.